Calendar of Religious Festivals: July 2024 to December 2025

The Shap e-Calendar of Religious Festivals is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health sector and public services, to name but a few. It is recognised as the most accurate and most informative calendar. Our clients include the NHS, Ministry of Justice, prisons, universities, chaplaincies, Lambeth Palace, Local Authorities as well as secondary and primary schools. The Shap calendar is used extensively in the UK but also across Europe.

The July 2024 to December 2025  eCal and wallchart (September 2024 to  December 2025) are now available. You can order by mailing us at, please make sure to put CALENDAR 2024-2025  in the subject line of your email.

Below are four of the images by David Rose from previous calendars - the PICTORIAL eCAL is sent in December and forms part of a FREE support package for all purchasers along with the additional festvials infomration pack.

To learn more about the history of the calendar - A treasury of diversity or read Shap: A brief history by Mary Hayward
Download a - complete collection of the Shap calendar editorials 1972 - 2018
SPECIAL OFFER: The online e-book for the Shap Audio Glossary is now avaiable - this can be accessed as an eBook or embedded onto your own website. ONLY £2.00 when purchased with an eCal or Wallchart (£5.00 otherwise). A sample of the Audio Glossary can be found at this link

The 2024-2025 eCalendar will provide:

  • 3 A4 PDF sheets which can be stored and used electronically or printed and laminated or with agreement used on a intranet,

  • 12 beautiful images of people celebrating festivals from David Rose (provided in December 2024) for no additional charge (assuming purchase of the eCal or Wallchart) ePictorial Calendar

  • A booklet giving a brief description of each religious festival in 12 of the world’s faiths and traditions, from Baha’i to Zoroastrian, including Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Pagan festivals,

  • Editorial notes by members of the Shap Working Party.


An error has been spotted on the 2024/5 wallchart. Passion Sunday is April 6th not March 17th (that was 2024).

The calendar is also suitable for international audiences as most of the festivals are international dates
The Sept. 2024 - Dec. 2025 Wallchart
(A2: 420 x 594 mm)
Available NOW!
The 2024-2025 e-calendar
(A4 - 297x210mm if printed)
Available NOW!
The Shap Audio Glossaey eBook

The cost is £6.00 (includes P&P)

The cost is £4.00 (for download key) The cost is £2.00 (access)
Click on the images of the Wallchart or eCals to see a bigger sample  
To order (single or bulk orders) please
see this link for more details or contact us.
Then there are a number of ways you can pay for your purchase.